Alaska Airlines & Horizon Air Industries Military Leave Litigation

Summary of Lawsuit

This lawsuit alleges that Alaska Airlines, Inc. and Horizon Air Industries, Inc. violated the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (“USERRA”) by failing to provide normal wages to employees on short-term military leave.

Whom to Contact for More Information

If you are a member of the certified class or you have information which might assist us in the prosecution of these allegations, please contact one of the following persons:

R. Joseph Barton, Esq.

Ming Siegel, Paralegal

The Barton Firm LLP

1633 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 200

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 734-7046

The Barton Firm LLP is co-counsel in this litigation with Outten & Golden LLP, Gupta Wessler PLLC, Crotty & Son Law Firm PLLC, and the Law Office of Thomas G. Jarrard LLC.